Is Coffee Deadly to Your Figure?

Waking up in the morning is usually hard to do especially when the weather is cold.  What better way to wake up than to smell a pot of freshly brewed coffee right?  It has become almost a ritual for most people to have their cup of joe in the mornings.   It helps a lot in jolting the senses to be able to keep you on your toes the rest of the day.  But some people refrain from drinking coffee as it is said to be deadly for the figure.  This can be true for those blended coffee drinks which have a milk, cream, Torani syrup and other additional ingredients blended into it.

These figure-conscious people often say no when offered a glass or mug of coffee concoction because of the calories that is has.  This is true for those that are loaded up with milk, cream and other ingredients aside from the Monin syrup used to flavor it.  The good news is that figure-conscious coffee-lovers can have their share of coffee-based drinks as there are already ways of cutting down the calorie content of the drinks.

health coffee with torani syrups

  • Opt for the low or zero fat dairy options

Milk already has a lot of variations to cater to figure conscious people. There are low or zero fat types of milk brands that can be bought off the shelf in your grocery store.  Most coffee shops also have this option for your dairy so there is no need to worry.

  • Choose other sources of milk

Nowadays, with the health being an important factor in our lives, people have discovered that there are other sources of milk. Nuts are one source of milk that is utilized and this includes soy, almond, and cashews.  Grains are also made into milk like rice and hemp milk. Those who want to increase their estrogen count would benefit from having a soy latte.

  • Skip the sugar

Torani syrup can add more flavors to your favorite drink instead of sugar packets. If you are reallypicky even with your syrup, then don’t fret- there are sugar-free Torani syrup varieties. Yes, from vanilla to strawberry, you can choose your flavors and add flavor to your coffee without adding sugar calories to it!

  • Opt out the whipped cream

This can make a whole lot of different when you are counting calories. A lot of people prefer to not have whipped cream on top of their coffee drink because they don’t like the taste and texture of it. Unknowingly, they are also staying away from extra calories!

  • Opt for the basic flavors

If you want to be sure you don’t pack extra pounds just by drinking coffee, why not opt to drink something basic like café Americano? Having your coffee black assures you there are no additional calories from cream (or creamer), sugar, and other add-ins. Of course, you just have to bear the bitter taste, but you may get used to it in the long run.

You can now enjoy your favorite coffee beverage without sacrificing the taste and ruining your perfect figure.

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